Food-Focused Homestead Life
Have you ever thought of changing your relationship with food?
Gary Dickenson put food front and centre in his new life as a homesteader. He tells us about his move from a seaside town in the UK, where he worked in marketing, to a remote corner of northern Latvia.
Dickenson says that the thing he best likes about homesteading life is the freedom it offers him.
Busy Homestead
It’s a busy homestead. Projects include:
Smoking food
Wood heating
Maple syrup
No-Till veg plots
Thinking of Homesteading?
Here are Dickenson’s tips:
Before you make the leap, spend time on a homestead
Look ahead 10 years to think about where you want to be
Don’t buy into the romanticism of a homestead because it’s hard work
Plan, but let plans change
Act like a child and ask “why?”
Experiment and celebrate both success and failures
Build a network of friends for support