Garden Consulting and Coaching


One-on-One Consulting

Are you a homeowner, garden designer, or landscaper looking for ideas about how to weave food plants into your landscape? Or tips on how to harvest more?

I’d love to help you create an out-of-the-box edible garden.

How Consulting Works

You decide what information will help you grow more food:

  • I can suggest ways to grow more in your space

  • You can bounce your ideas off of me

  • We can talk about specific plants, techniques, or challenges

And I can give you tips about how to keep things simple so that your garden doesn’t feel like a burden.

I talked to Steven over the phone and was really impressed with his consultation services!! He listened, we talked about my gardening hopes, he gave me fabulous suggestions and supported that with examples from his own growing experience. Using his knowledge, he is growing growers and cultivating a formula of success for them. Highly recommended!
— Joyce

Plain English

With a horticultural science degree, work experience in the horticultural industry, as a college instructor, and as a journalist, I bridge the gap between industry jargon, unintelligible academic babble, and everyday English.

I’ll also help you hone your BS detector and filter out silly ideas and unnecessary gadgets.

Advice for Your Needs

I help you think outside the box with edible gardening so that…

  • Your garden brings together what you need and what you like

  • Your garden is unique

  • Your garden is something you love…because it’s your creation