Hens, Hay, and How to Cook Cardoon
Food writer Signe Langford joins us from Port Hope, Ontario to talk about her passion for growing food, her food garden, cooking, and how her garden connects her with her community.
A fan of straw-bale gardening, Signe talks about how she experimented last year using bales of alfalfa hay instead of straw bales. Hay is normally NOT recommended for the straw-bale technique because all of the grass seeds within can make a bale look like a big chia pet. Signe tells us how that went. She was pleased with the results.
The author of the book Happy Hens and Fresh Eggs: Keeping Chickens in the Kitchen Garden, Signe considers chickens to be, “a symbiotic member of the garden.”
She talks about common myths such as noise and smell that she often hears.
Signe talks about edible weeds and edible native plants—and her love of the dandelion.
Signe also helps Steven with cooking advice for cardoon, explaining how to make Cardoon Gratin.